Key Concepts

URN ID vs public ID

While using the project, you’ll come across two different types of identifier: URN IDs and public IDs.


A URN ID is generally a number or something not human-readable. They will end up as part of a URN for a given entity. Here is an example of a LinkedIn URN for a profile:


In this case, “ACoAABQ11fIBQLGQbB1V1XPBZJsRwfK5r1U2Rzt” is the URN ID. When asked for a URN ID, don’t provide a full URN. Instead, only provide the last item in the URN, delimited by ‘:’ character (the URN ID).

Public ID

A public ID is generally a string and something that is human-readable. For example, for the LinkedIn profile at the URL, the “public ID” is “tom-quirk”. The same applies for other entities across LinkedIn